Category: Community

Friendship is key for refugees

The greatest form of poverty is not illness or destitution, but loneliness. (Mother Teresa) Hardly a month goes by when we don’t hear it said that Vancouver is one of the best cities in the world to live in. However,…

A stranger’s friend: The refugee

Refugee. It’s a seven-letter word that conjures a wide variety of feelings and associations for those who hear it. Try it. Refugee. What do you think or feel? For some, there are feelings of uncertainty. What exactly is a refugee? In what ways are refugees different from…

‘Why would I not support José?’

“I never dreamed it would come to this – if we had only used common sense José wouldn’t have had to seek sanctuary.” So says Karl Keller, the long-time pastor of Walnut Grove Lutheran Church, referring to his parishioner José Figueroa, who…